Richard Grayson, Morgan Quaintance & Maria Walsh chaired by Chris McCormack
Walsh returns to her feature ‘I Object’ to consider how artists such as Mark Leckey, Hito Steyerl and Ed Atkins are keen to dissolve their subjectivity in order to exist in a non-hierarchical network of things. Quaintance questions whether post-internet is an aesthetic that relinquishes criticality for a compliance with corporate and right-wing thinking, while Grayson asks what are the ‘ends of post-internet art’, analysing why the trend has become so popular.
Read the articles online:
I Object Maria Walsh on art and the new objecthood
Right Shift Morgan Quaintance on the end of post-internet art
Talkin’ ’bout their g-g-g-generation Richard Grayson on the ends of post-internet art